söndag 29 januari 2012

the concept of tibia

The Koncept ok Tibia MC

The concept of MMORPG, which is the acronym for Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games, has totally revolutionized the video games as they were once known to their fans around the world. The modern age is the age of information technology, communications and connectivity, and modern game players are content with nothing short of a rich online gaming experience to satisfy their appetite for the real competition.As a matter of fact, the MMORPG take the competition in video games to the next level, and that is true for the very concept of video games themselves. It will not be incorrect to say that the MMORPG are the video games of the 21st century, offering rich gameplay and dynamic graphics with multi-player competition through online connectivity. They have all the ingredients required by a modern video games enthusiast.The MMORPG are represented for the most part by the revolutionary game World of Warcraft, and games that followed this one were based largely on its pattern. World of Warcraft was not the very first MMORPG; but the reason for its influence is that it is the most financially successful MMORPG ever, and has popularized this mode of gaming to the users worldwide.The greatest indicator of the success of MMORPG is the fact that only by the year 2006, IF The industri has hat would not have anything to do with them. But it was NeverWinter Nights from AOL, which was the first MMORPG that had any graphic value for the user, and after that, a series of MMORPG were developed with improvements. Ultima Online is among the pioneers in MMORPG as well, and its creator Richard Garriott was the one who came up with the term MMORPG as we know it today.Most of the development of the MMORPG has taken place in the United States, but every video games fan knows how countries in the Far East have been active in the history of the industry, and they still are. After the development of MMORPG in the West, the Far Eastern Technological giants also followed suit, particularly Korea, from where we have seen popular MMORPG like Rohan: Blood Feud, and the latest offering AION.
Of course, a MMORPG would not be any different than other video games if the online gameplay, and the interaction of a lot of users were not involved. Many fans of the MMORPG are interested in exploring the interacting experience instead of any particular gaming feature. However, there is no need to mention that the overall popularity of a game depends on a number of factors in the game, such as the interface, graphics, rendering, story and character development, ease of use, gameplay and user experience. A majority of the MMORPG follow more or less the same pattern.You can find both free and paid MMORPG, while some are even console based such as the Final Fantasy XI for Play Station 2. As time passes by, there has only been an tibia bot in the popularity of MMORPG just for the sake of the experience or due to sheer peer pressure. Either way, video game fans love these games. With the introduction of latest trends such as group raids and custom modifications in the game content, MMORPG offer a more personal experience to gaming, which is probably what gaming enthusiasts can't get enough of.

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The free MMORPG boom is escalating each and every year. New free MMORPGs and MMO games constantly being made and released on a weekly basis online. Popular games such as Fiesta and Project Powder each have over 12 to 15 million characters created worldwide. On the other hand, older paid MMORPG such as World of Warcraft, have about 10 million users. It may not be fair to compare games such as World of Warcraft over free-to-play games such as Fiesta, but it would be silly to claim that new free MMORPG genre are small. Although the number of players on free MMORPG are much more as compared to those on paid MMORPG, free MMORPG are still thought to be inferior as compared to their paid counterparts.
Today, in order for a new free of charge MMORPG to be profitable, it has to be flawless. With intense competition from some established games and new MMORPGs imminent out each and most every day, developers have to constantly fix bugs, add more new contents and to remove hackers in order to keep their players hooked. If a developer is too slow to fix an feat or inconsistent with content updates, odds are players may jump ship and shift to a new game.
The huge amount of free to play Tibia bot MMORPGs on the market today are also pressuring pay to play (P2P) games to either offer more content to their players or make to make the game free. Games such as Rose Online, had tried to change its revenue model by adopting a pay to play model, only to be led with a huge disappointment. It has recently reinstated its revenue model to become a free to play MMORPG by making money off their cash shop. Games also have to create a form of staying power in the game or their players may quit to play one of the many cost free MMORPGs out there.
Gaming Networks basically completely ignores the new free to play MMORPG genre. There aren't any major print magazines focuses on free MMORPGs. Let us analyze the free to play MMORPG boom for a bit. There literally hundreds of free of charge online MMORPGs out in the US business already amid countless games already in closed beta.
There are also an increasing number of 'pay-to-play' MMORPGs out there today that are losing their players by the day. Pay to play games like 'Dark Age of Camelot' and 'Star Wars Galaxies' are unable to fight amongst the likes of World of Warcraft. It seems that the only way for them to compete is to join the Free to play MMORPG wagon.
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lördag 28 januari 2012

tibia brasil

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Atualização 9.44
Atualização dos programas para o tibia 9.44. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 15-Janeiro-2012 17:00

Atualização 9.42
Atualização dos programas para o tibia 9.42. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 03-Janeiro-2012 17:30

Atualização 9.41
Atualização dos programas para o tibia 9.41. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 23-Dezembro-2011 06:35

Tibia Luz 9.40
Terminei o tibia luz, já conta com os novos outfits e montarias, não esqueça de baixar novamente o mc, mesmo que você já tenha pois será necessário para o tibia luz funcionar corretamente. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 16-Dezembro-2011 15:15

Tibia 9.40
Atualizando os programas para versão 9.40, o tibia luz saíra mais tarde. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 15-Dezembro-2011 18:00

Tibia 9.31
Atualizando os programas para versão 9.31. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 09-Novembro-2011 02:00

Atualização 9.20
Postando atualização dos programas para versão 9.20, não se esqueçam que o tibia luz funcionará somente se você usar em conjunto com o tibia mc, menos para quem usa windows xp pois neste caso o tibia luz funcionará sem a necessidade do mc do site. Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Sexta-Feira, 29-Setembro-2011 17:00

Tibia Luz 9.10 e Novo MC
Olá Pessoal,
Demorou um pouco mas consegui, no entanto para o tibia luz funionar será necessário utilizar o mc novo que atualizei também, caso utilizar o tibia luz no client do tibia ou mc do ultimo post poderá dar erros e até mesmo debug no cliente portanto cuidado, caso seja possivel no futuro eu faço um tibia luz sem precisar alterar o cliente, mas por enquanto a solução é essa. Links Rápidos:
Download Tibia 9.10
Download Tibia MC Para Tibia 9.10

Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quinta-Feira, 07-Julho-2011 01:15

Tibia 9.10
Olá Pessoal,
Mais um update lançado pela cip, dessa vez ficaremos sem o tibia luz por um tempo já que a cip mudou parte da estrutura do cliente executável, assim que for possivel quebrar a proteção imposta por eles eu irei colocar o tibia luz aqui, portanto, no momento teremos apenas o mc do 9.10 e o instalador oficial caso alguem tenha problemas para atualizar ou baixar do site oficial. Links Rápidos:
Download Tibia Luz 9.10
Download Tibia MC Para Tibia 9.10

Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 06-Julho-2011 14:40

Novo Servidor de DBO e Promoção
Olá Pessoal,
Estamos inaugurando um novo servidor de Dragon Ball(tibia modificado) para quem gosta participe, agora é a melhor chance de conguir ser top ou ficar entre os mais fortes, para entrar no servidor será necessário um cadastro de conta e baixar o cliente. Clique Aqui para ser redirecionado para a página do novo servidor.

Lembramos também que nossos servidores oficiais 1 e 2 (Danae e Citeron) estão com promoção de premmy account gratuita para todas as novas contas, aproveitem, será por tempo limitado. Clique Aqui para ser redirecionado para a página dos nossos servidores.

Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Sexta-Feira, 09-Junho-2011 00:10

Atualização 9.00
Atualização dos programas para versão 9.00
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Download Tibia Luz para Tibia 9.00

Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Sexta-Feira, 09-Junho-2011 00:10

Patch 8.74
Atualização dos programas, o tibia luz 8.73 continua funcionando na versão 8.74, Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 18-Maio-2011 23:00

Patch 8.73
Bem galerinha, atualizei os programas do site, desculpem-me a demora, este patch me pegou desprevinido, Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Domingo, 08-Maio-2011 05:00

Correção de Bug
Bug no alarme do tibia luz 8.72 corrigido, Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Sexta-Feira, 29-Abril-2011 13:30

Atualização 8.72
Atualizando programas para versão 8.72, Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quarta-Feira, 20-Abril-2011 17:00

Atualização 8.71
Atualizando programas para versão 8.71, exceto o tibia luz que não precisou de atualizações ja que funcionou perfeitamente no 8.71, Links Rápidos:
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quinta-Feira, 16-Dezembro-2010 19:40

Correção Tibia Luz 8.70
Uma falha no codigo não estava permitindo os usuarios colocarem os addons nas roupas, segue link com o erro corrigido:
Download Tibia Luz Para Tibia 8.70

Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Quinta-Feira, 16-Dezembro-2010 19:40

Update 8.70
Atualização dos programas do site, no tibia luz 8.70 será possível selecionar a montaria desejada nas roupas para visualiza-las.

Links Rápidos (RapidShare):
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Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: Sexta-Feira, 09-Dezembro-2010 06:20

Mudanças no Site e OTServ
O Forum da pagina oficial do tibiarpgbrasil foi transferido, por motivos que estava ficando estagnado sem suporte, por este motivo a partir de agora o forum oficial do tibiarpgbrasil será o forum de nossos otservers, lá tem sessões off-topic que poderam utilizar, aproveitando a notícia para convidar todos a entrarem em nossos servidores que foi feito atualização para versão 8.60 e uma mudança radical no site, eventos todas as semanas! espero que gostem !

TibiaRPGBrasil OTServ Danae
TibiaRPGBrasil OTServ Citeron

Seu TibiaRPGBrasil Team
Data: terça-feira, 09-Novembro-2010 05:40

Patch de outono 8.62
Atualização dos programas para o patch lançado hoje.

Links Rápidos (RapidShare):
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onsdag 25 januari 2012

tibia age of chaos

The Age of Chaos

Uman looked with sadness at the damage his evil half had done to the creation Fardos and he had worked for so hard. He felt that Zathroth had finally gone too far in tibia mc. In his desperation he turned to Fardos for advice. Together, they decided that it would be best to sever the bond between Uman and Zathroth once and for all. They set about to this task with great energy, and their efforts soon enough appeared to be crowned with success. However, the weaker the bond between Uman and Zathroth became, the weaker Uman himself grew, and in the end they realised that the duality could not be separated without endangering Uman's very existence. At last the invocation was aborted. Uman had to accept the fact that the duality between Zathroth and himself could not be broken, and that their fate and indeed their very existence were intertwined for eternity.

However, Uman's and Fardos's joint efforts did not remain entirely without consequence, for during the unsuccessful attempt to separate the double god a small part broke away from it. This tiny shard grew and expanded until it took shape and eventually became a sentient creature of its own. This was the hour Kirok the Mad was born. Owing to his peculiar ancestry this strange god has a twisted or, as some say, a schizophrenic nature. He inherited Uman's creative mind and his inquisitive nature, so that he eventually became the patron god of all those who follow the path of science and research. However, the one trait Kirok is really famous for is his twisted sense of humour. He adores bad taste and ingenious pranks, and this peculiar characteristic makes him the favourite of bards, jesters and of all other kinds of suspicious people.

While Fardos and Uman were working hard on their spell, Zathroth's minions went on to lay waste to the elder gods' precious creation, and the devastation continued without pause. It seemed as though the whole world was doomed to perish. However, some of the lesser gods who were tired of just standing by while their beloved Tibia was ravaged. They decided to put up resistance against the reckless hordes. Bastesh the Mistress of the Sea created huge, mysterious creatures that were both elegant and fierce, and she populated her beloved ocean with them to make sure Zathroth's minions would never defile its pure waters. However, there was little she could do to help her cousins who lived on the dry land. Of all her creatures the only ones to survive on land were the dextrous and venomous snakes. Crunor and Nornur, too, created creatures to fight against Brog's and Zathroth's hordes: Crunor the Lord of the Trees created fierce wolves, while Nornur equipped his beloved spiders with deadly poison to make them more powerful.

However, for all their efforts, the gods could not create creatures that were a match for the ruthless, well-organised hordes that roamed the land. The wolves' hides and the spiders chitinous exoskeletons could not resist the steel of the orcish blades, and for every troll that was brought down by poison two others came to take his place. In the end gods' children withdrew to areas that were easy to defend: The wolves fled into the depths of the forests, while the spiders hid deep in caves. There they continued their fights, defending their realms against the onslaught of the superior enemy. These little pockets of resistance were the only sanctuaries in a world that sank deeper and deeper into chaos. And the worst was yet to come, for now the dragons felt the time had come to take what was theirs by right!

For centuries they had propagated and expanded in silence, largely unnoticed by all other creatures. But now that Garsharak, the very first and strongest of their race, sent them into the world they knew neither restraint nor mercy. The orcish armies were routed by the relentless flames of magical dragon fire, and soon that proud though barbaric race, who until then had not known the meaning of the word defeat, was driven into the shelter of subterranean settlements. Their allies, the mighty cyclopses, fared no better. Although they won a number of notable victories using their powerful weapons and armour, they, too, had to yield to the superior power of the dreaded dragons. They joined their former allies, the orcs, and their weak cousins, the trolls, in their subterranean exile. Their proud cities that had been built in the course of centuries were burnt down to the ground, and their renowned forges were lost forever.

Thus the dragons had taken over the rule of the land, but the war was by no means over. Their bitter enemies, cyclopses and orcs, resented what they felt was an imprisonment in the bowels of the earth, and they continued the fight from their subterranean hideouts. And in fact the dragons, who had already been weakened in the course of the previous battles, suffered serious losses. But now war also erupted among the former allies, as cyclopses and orcs competed for food and space in their subterranean abodes. And even though no side was strong enough to overcome the others the war went on with undiminished force, and all of the races suffered greatly in the epic struggle. The land was scattered with bodies, and while it seemed that life itself would be wiped from the face of Tibia the losses of all races that were involved daily grew in number. It was as if the living would drown in the bodies of the slain.

The elder gods watched as the cataclysmic battle went on. They felt no pity for those that were slain because they cared little for Zathroth's creatures, but they knew that something was missing, that somebody was needed to take care of the bodies and souls of those who ceased to live. They began to look for a solution, and finally Uman proposed that a new god should be created, a god who should see to it that the dead would be taken care of. They decided that earth, which in a way was the giver of life, should have a part in taking it back, and that Uman should be the newly created god's father. But alas! The elder gods were not as cautious as they should have been, and so Zathroth the Destroyer learnt about their plans all too soon. He was fascinated by the idea of death from the start, because he saw in it a new chance to bring further havoc and destruction into the world. Soon he had devised a vicious plan. He posed as his good half Uman to fool earth, and with it he sired another god: Urgith the Master of the Undead. This hideous deity was devoted to death just like the god Uman and Fardos had in mind, but he was not the benign guardian of the dead they had envisioned. Instead, Urgith was a cruel god who strove to infuse the bodies of the dead with unholy energy, dooming them to a state that was neither life nor death. Thus, the hour of Urgith's birth marked the beginning of undeath.

Soon enough innumerable undead roamed the world. After all, Tibia was still covered by countless bodies of slain orcs, cyclopses and other creatures - the legacy of the many years of ceaseless war. These cadavers provided Urgith with the ideal recruitment pool, and he eagerly transformed all carcasses he could lay his hands into his gruesome servants. The gods watched in horror as a new scourge ravaged their beloved creation. They hurried to finally put their own initial plan into practice, and Uman united with earth in order to sire Toth the Warden of the Souls. It was to be his mission to safely guide the souls of the dead to the otherworld, where they would safely rest in the peace of an eternal dreamless slumber, while the worms, his faithful servants, swarmed out to devour their bodies that scattered the face of Tibia. But the damage had been done, and even though Toth and his servants did the best they could Urgith's ghastly creations continued to roam the land. All the other creatures, who were already greatly weakened by their endless wars, could put up little resistance to the new enemy who increased in strength with every loss they suffered. It looked as if Tibia was forever doomed to be a world that was inhabited by the living dead.

The elder gods looked at what had happened to their world, and their hearts filled with sorrow and resentment. They knew that if they did not act now Tibia would be destined to become a grave, and so they started looking for a solution. Eventually they agreed to try to create a sentient race of their own, a race that would be strong enough to take up the fight against the hordes that ravaged their beloved world. And so they created a race and sent it into Tibia. But alas! Urgith's minions were too strong. Their race was defeated within a generation, and it was wiped from the face of Tibia. So Uman and Fardos created race after race, and race after race was overwhelmed by the vicious abominations that Urgith had released into the world. Most of these tibia bot disappeared from the face of Tibia forever, leaving little but melancholy legends and mysterious ruins. Today, this sad era which is commonly known as the Corpse War is largely shrouded in mystery, and the unfortunate races that were destroyed in it are now referred to as the ancients.

However, not all of the ancients were eradicated in the fierce struggle. At least two of the races created by the elder gods in the course of this epic struggle somehow managed to escape destruction and to survive until today. One of them was the elves, delicate creatures who could handle bows and musical instruments with equal skill. The other was the dwarfs, a stout race of gifted miners and smiths. Both of these races fought bravely, but both of them had to yield to the vicious power of their enemies, and it was only by fleeing into safe places of refuge that they managed to survive. The elves after many hardships sought shelter in the unfathomable depths of the forests, while the dwarfs barricaded themselves in their impenetrable fortresses deep in Tibia's mountains. There, these races waited for better times, bitterly deploring the cruel fate that had sent them into this dreadful world. But at least they had survived. All the other ancient races were seemingly sentenced to oblivion, although it is occasionally claimed that there are other survivors.

For all their strength, these races had one important flaw in common: They lacked flexibility. And this proved to be fatal in the war against the relentless enemy they were facing. Those who were not annihilated succumbed to Zathroth's temptations. More than one of the ancients fell for Zathroth's cunning promises of power and knowledge, and legend has it that the wrathful elder gods brutally punished many of them for their treachery. There is even a persistent theory that some of these ancients later on were formed by the devious Zathroth into the very first demons. Be that as it may, all the ancients failed to live up to their creators' expectations: One by one they were overwhelmed by the enemy, and still the hordes walked the world. But the elder gods had learnt from their mistakes. Their next creation was to be well suited for the task. And they called them the humans.

Chapter IV: The First Creatures Chapter VI: The Creation of the Humans

tibia story

The Awakening of the Gods

In the beginning there was only a big, gaping void. It was everywhere and tibia bot.

In this emptiness two powerful entities appeared who were eventually known as the elder gods: Fardos the Creator and Uman Zathroth who combined in himself two unequal halves. One of these halves was Uman the Wise, a benign god who was gifted with divine intellect, while Zathroth the Destroyer was the other, darker half. These were the two halves of one single enigmatical entity, and even though either of them was perfectly capable of acting on his own just as if he had been fully independent, independent they were not. They were bound together by an eternal bond that could not be broken, and their destiny was one.

Nobody knows where the elder gods came from, or whether they had always existed and eventually awoke from the slumber of infinity. But somewhere along the way they decided to create a universe. Surely Fardos was the initiator, for he was driven by the need to create and give life. He was overflowing with creative power and impatient to release it, so he stepped into existence and began to unleash his powers. However, none of his attempts to create were successful. All of his creations were swallowed by the void before they were completed, and none survived.

Uman Zathroth regarded Fardos's undertakings thoughtfully. Uman was sagacious and held awesome magical powers. Most importantly, however, he was driven by an insatiable hunger for knowledge and enlightenment. In his essence he resembled Fardos, but where Fardos worked openly and logically, Uman's domain was the realm of mystery. Still, he shared Fardos's interest in creation, whereas his dark half Zathroth was essentially corruptive. Zathroth was a vain god who was painfully aware that his own creative powers were poor. Because of this he looked at Fardos's work of creation with jealousy, and from the very beginning he was determined to prevent or at least corrupt it in any way he could. Fardos, who did not suspect this, asked him for assistance because he had accepted the fact that he could not achieve creation on his own, but of course Zathroth denied. Uman, however, agreed to help. And from that he and Fardos worked together on the great project that was creation.

nfortunately, their combined efforts were hardly more successful. Just like before, everything Fardos and Uman created was swallowed by the void as soon as it came into existence, and the two gods sadly saw their creation run through their fingers like water through a sieve. On the other hand, Zathroth, who had been watching their efforts with suspicion, rejoiced. He ridiculed their efforts. However, his glee changed into surprise and anger when he found that something strange happened, something which perhaps Uman and Fardos did not expect themselves. To this day, nobody knows precisely what it was that caused it. Perhaps the power that had been spent lured another entity out of the void, or it might be that it simply awoke another divine entity from its slumber. Some even claim that in some mysterious way the power that had been spent by Uman and Fardos actually created a new entity. Whatever the truth may be, a new goddess stepped out of the void like a new-born mermaid from her shell. The amazed elder gods watched her divine beauty in awed admiration, for everything in her was perfect harmony. They agreed to call her Tibia mc. Zathroth, however, stood by and fumed with silent hate. But cunning as he was, he hid his resentment well and feigned to share the joy of the other elder gods.

Chapter II: The Great Creation

måndag 16 januari 2012

mc monster

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torsdag 12 januari 2012

tibia fan

The Secret World : The Shape of Crafting

Posted Jan 12, 2012 by Suzie Ford

For many players, having a robust crafting system is essential in their MMO. So what about The Secret World? What, if anything, do we know about crafting? Will it be "level-less" in a way similar to character progression? In today's TSW column, we speculate about some of those things and more. Check it out!
It may seem that with all the faction talk lately, that we’ve actually learned a lot about The Secret World in recent months. Which we have, truth told. But one area of the game that still remains a complete mystery in terms of its functionality is crafting. There hasn’t been but a hint of talk surrounding any sort of trade-skills and what, if any, form they’ll take in TSW. With that in mind, let’s briefly ponder the subject and see what kind of system might make sense in Funcom’s upcoming MMO.
Read more of Bill Murphy's The Secret World: The Shape of Crafting.
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Game Face : Pokket's Guide to the Voidstar

Posted Jan 12, 2012 by Suzie Ford

In the latest episode of Game Face, MMORPG.com's Pokket takes a look at The Voidstar, one of the warzones in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pokket gives her thoughts on the best strategies and layouts for winning the epic battle. Come back every Thursday for more Tibia MC goodness from Pokket. Check out Game Face #19: Pokket's Guide to the Voidstar.

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Coyote's Howling : Good Ideas Gone Bad

Posted Jan 12, 2012 by Suzie Ford

Innovation is a good thing but often it is masked behind the "do we really need this...really?" face that we adopt on looking at the latest techno-toy. In today's Coyote's Howling, we take a look at good ideas gone bad. See what you think and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
As I've stated accurately the past, the number of people who actively subscribe to an MMORPG has tripled every year, giving us over 167 billion tibia bot in the United States alone. With those painstakingly researched numbers in mind, the market for peripherals associated with gaming has exploded in an attempt to keep up with our constant demand for newer and cooler gadgets.
Read more Coyote's Howling: Good Ideas Gone Bad.